Back by popular demand, PD & Cal once again review Thor. Will they like this one or will they pan it?
Check it out. Spinnerrack Out!!! #Thor Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1
How in the world did Cal & PD give Betty & Veronica 5 stars? When Cal & PD told me they were going to review Betty & Veronica, I thought they were definitely off their rockers. When they said they wanted to review this series because of the talented writer/artist Adam Hughes, known for his retro pinup style covers and for his runs on Catwoman & Wonder Woman. I could not say much. Now their review is in, what do you think?
Spinnerrack Out!!! #BettyandVeronica #ArchieComics Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1 PD & Cal review DC’s new “Dark Multiverse”. DC is pushing this dark metal universe at the same time it getting ready to tie in the Rebirth universe with the Watchman. Jim Lee and some of the top artist & writers in the DC stable will be involved in this effort.
Can Dark Days: The Forge, provide DC with the start of another hit like Rebirth? PD & Cal take a critical look and give us their unvarnished opinions. Check it out our video. Spinnerrack Out!!! #DC #DarkDaysTheForge Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1 Is Aunt May too Hot?
Is Marisa Tomei to hot to play aunt May? I say no, but the PD & Cal disagree. Checkout our discussion & weigh-in if you an opinion. Spinnerrack --Out!!! #Spidermanhomecoming #Spiderman #Marvel Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1 Cal & PD review a superhero group that was once their favorites and is now all the rage in the movies —- The Avengers. Will they like this latest entry of the comic boook Avengers?
Spinnerrack---Out!!! #Avengers #Marvel Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1 Cal & PD review the latest comic book entry in the Predator universe. A universe that has against all odds, has had 3 movies (a fourth coming out in 2018), books, comics & merchandising & video games. Let’s not forget the related the “Alien vs Predator” franchise with 2 films, novels, comic books, merchandising & video games. Will PD & Cal review this book as another attempt by the powers that be to milk the frachise? Or will it be a worthwhile story.
You Be the Judge. Spinnerrack---Out!!! #Predator #Predators #predatorsvsaliens #DarkHorseComics Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1 Cal & PD review Batman #24, in which Batman asks Catwoman to marry him. Why? Too increase sales.
DC has finally decided to milk what could happen if Batman walks down this matrimonial road. These two characters have been pussyfooting around there relationship for decades. PD and Cal will delve into whether this is a legit storyline or just a gimmick. As well as whether, it was too soon in the Rebirth run of the Man Bat to be doing this? As usual there are disagreement. You be the judge. Spinnerrack---Out!!! #Batman #catwoman Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1 Unlimited rage or being a god? Which attribute would give one of these heroes the power to vanquish the other. To provide an answer the crew delves into comic books & movies to figure out who would win a fight between these two iconic Marvel heroes. After this video, there should be no questions about who would win. Check it out and tells us what you think about it.
Spinnerrack---Out!!! #Thor #Hulk #ThorRagnarok Web: Youtube: The Spinner Rack itunes: The Spinner Rack Instagram: The Spinner Rack Twitter: Spinerrack1 |
February 2020