!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st round registration cut-off:9:45am !!!!!!!!!
Aviator sports complex - 3159 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y ,11234 1. How do I exactly register? There are two ways to register: 1:Pre-register @ Bulletproof games Nostrand up to a day before the event! You must bring or fill out a Final Decklist you will use for the tournament (cannot be changed after) , valid ID, Cossy ID and a registration form . There will be a separate line at the regional and you do not have to wait. Just show ID. before 9:30 am. * You can still enter after 9:45am. You will take a 1 round loss. 2: Register at the Aviator, Brooklyn You must be at the venue by no later than 8:30 am and have on hand $20 USD registration fee. You will then be given 5 packs of Rage of Tempest booster packs. Please bring your own deck & a deck list to participate in the tournament. Be prepared to write your deck list on a form if you didn't bring one. Deck lists will be collected at registration. Here are the links to the editable Deck list and Registration forms you can print out and bring to save time. **You will save an hour if you have these 2 forms ready & printed out!! KDE Deck List can be found here: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/forms/KDE_DeckList.pdf KDE Registration Form can be found here: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/forms/KDE_RegistrationSheet.pdf 2. Is there an age restriction at the event? No. Any person can enter as long as they bring their own deck and entry fee. Please arrive with a parent or guardian with photo ID if you are under the age of 13. Duelists under the age of 13 may also participate in a special Dragon Duel tournament. 3. What side events (if any) will be at your Regional? 4 Win a Mat side tournaments and the Dragon Duel tournament for duelists 12 & younger. (@ 2pm 3pm, 4pm, & 5pm entry $12). Also a structure deck tournament and battle tournament (Dragon Duel is free to enter) 4. What does the winner receive exactly? Winner: 1 Box of Raging tempest box National Invite Championship Deck Box Championship Playmat Winning Deck profile featured on Video. (Optional) Top 4 : Receives All above minus Box of Raging tempest booster box Top 8 : Receives All as Top 4 except Championship Deck box Top 36-48: (Depending on the turnout) Receives invites to YCS. 5. I heard that the participants receive sleeves. Is this true? No. You can purchase them at the venue though. 6. Can you give me a summary of the overall event please? When you have paid your $20 entry fee and received your 5 packs of core boosters, you will have to turn in a deck list of all the cards in your deck. (A judge will collect your deck list and file it. Judges will do random deck checks throughout the tournament to enure decks match the lists turned in.) Then you will be allowed into the main part of the venue and wait for the pairings to be announced. At 10am, the tournament will start and the pairings will be made and announced and posted on each wall. as well as the QR codes. Each round will be 40 mins and will go to additional turns thereafter. (Usually an hour total between rounds) There is no lunch break, so use the extra time you have when finishing early to go eat. (There will be a food court on the 1st fl. that sells Pizza, Sandwiches, drinks and snacks) The tournament will continue through a number of rounds based on total attendance (likely between 8-10) 7. If we do not have a COSSY ID, do we have to pay/ have a parent signature for one? The COSSY ID is free and will be on hand if you do not have one. You must present valid ID. But if you are under the age 17 please have your parents or their permission on hand. 8. Can you leave early if you have to go somewhere? Yes, you can drop out of the tournament in between each rounds if you must leave. You must let a judge know that you will be dropping. The judges will manually drop you from the following rounds. 9. What time would you recommend coming to ensure that I will get a spot in the regionals, since there are only 400 spots? I would be there no later than 8:30 am to insure a spot. This is because it is an open event; no one really knows the exact turnout. And since it is on a first come first serve basis, it is only my educated guess. 10. Is the Bulletproof shop close to Aviator where the regionals will be held, and do I register for a COSSY ID at the venue or at your shop? The COSSY IDs will be on hand at the venue and we can instantly sign you up. Aviator is about 3 miles from the main Bulletproof shop. Take the Q35 bus from Bulletproof Nostrand. ****It takes 60 mins from Bullletproof to aviator by bus on Sunday***** 11. What time would you say is the latest I could come and still guarantee my spot? There are no guarantees. I can only give you an educated guess. But the earlier you arrive the better the chances. We open at 7:30 am so come no later than 8:30am. 12. Will there be a tag team tournament at the venue? No. The only side tournaments will be a Win a Mat tournament every hour starting at 1 pm, structure deck tournament , battle dragon tournament and the Dragon Duel tournament. The win a mat has a $12 entry and you receive 3 packs of DUAL and exactly 8 players enter. The Dragon Duel tournament is free and minimum of 4 players are needed! The winner receives an exclusive playmats and T-shirt! 13. How do I get there by bus? Q35 stops in Front of aviator. Take the Q35 from bulletproof games nostrand .(take #2 train to the last stop in flatbush to come to Bulletproof) 14. How do I get there by car? If you are local, the best way is to take Belt Parkway and get off on ext.11s. Travel 1 mile and the venue will be on the left side. It is located in floyd bennett field. the venue will look like an aircraft hanger. there will be plenty of free parking. venue is to the right. ***** There will be FREE parking in the lot and we encourage all players who can come by car, do so. 15. How do I get there by train? Take the no.2 train going to Flatbush ave. Get off at the 1st car and on the right exit. You will walk right into Bulletproof Nostrand. The venue is a 1/2 a block straight ahead. Hope to see all of you there
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February 2020